Our latest "Gift Guitars"are ready to find their forever homes.
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Our latest "Gift Guitars"are ready to find their forever homes.
Front Porch Music Open Mic, Sat., Feb. 15th, 2025, 7 pm
The February open mic is full. Please join our mailing list if you would like to receive notice of our events so you too can signup while there's room. Folks play acoustic Americana, folk, bluegrass, country, blues, etc. and a mix of covers and originals. We have a wonderfully supportive community of musicians who frequent our open mics. It's held in different locations in Lafayette every month.
Front Porch Music Open Mic, Sat., March 15th, 2025, 7 pm
If you would like to play at the next open mic, entries are now open. Space is limited. Click on the button below. Folks play acoustic Americana, folk, bluegrass, country, blues, etc. and a mix of covers and originals. We have a wonderfully supportive community of musicians. Learn more about our open mics.
The Community Foundation of Lafayette will forever be remembered as the first, fast grantor of Front Porch Music. Thank you for your support.
Community Arts is a program of the Zellerbach Family Foundation and Front Porch recently received a grant. Zellerbach serves as a catalyst for constructive social change and they believe arts and culture play a role in creating a thriving Bay Area by ensuring the voices, experiences, traditions and dreams of all individuals and communities can be appreciated and celebrated.
From 2019 to the present, John and Colleen McCormick at Lamorinda Music have supported our efforts by offering the Big Room for the open mic series and through guitar donations to our gift guitar program. Thank you John and Colleen!
Town Hall Theatre supports our quarterly performance series through the use of its beautiful theatre, box office, lobby and bar. Your visionary leadership and kind staff is amazing. Thank you!
Steve Riccobono at Sound Travels Productions has given so much of his time and expertise to make our open mics and shows sound their best. Thank you, Steve!
Craig Isaacs of BlueGoo Photography has been a big supporter by providing professional photography at some of our larger events. We appreciate this immensely. Thank you, Craig!
John Allred, Videography, volunteers to provide beautiful three- and four-camera videography and editing for our quarterly performance series at Town Hall Theatre. Thank you, John!
Phil Jones, Guitarist, brings his considerable talent to pre-flight guitars before the instruments are placed into the Gift Guitar program.
Meet our Advisors. Our volunteers advisors are participants of Front Porch Music with invaluable insight and talent to help us grow and refine our programs.